Blogorexia Nervosia & Binge Blogging
Original Post: November 5, 2006
My apologies for posting three, count them THREE, new blogs yesterday. That is a lot. That is a gratuitous amount of blogging. That is an ostentatious display of arrogance on my part. I have a disorder.
The problem is, well frankly, dear reader, the problem is your fault. I was on a roll, then I realized you were out there…with your judging eyes: "What will she post next? Will it be funny? Will it be more sappy heartbreak stuff? Dose she have any talent? Will they get back together? Has she lost her mind? Who does she think she is—vain beyotch—thinking we want to read this?" So then I got a case of bloggers block. I went off blogging. I had nothing to write. Nothing to offer. Then I said "Ah, bump this!" and I picked up the proverbial pen (or, if you aren't into imagery and prefer the literal, I sat my little buns down at my laptop—but I prefer the former, it's more romantic) and I was off like a Duke from a Coltrane. click here if you don't get this referance
I've decided to ease the guilt and nerves I have from picturing you reading this and then taking nothing away from it by adding some useful trivia or thought-provoking quote at the end of each posting so that if you hate them or find them to be a flagrant waste of your time, you still take away SOMETHING from each one. *Please note—this is a flagrant rip-off from my friend Ryan who did this on a bulletin he recently sent out and I thought to myself "Self, that is a very witty and clever idea. How can I steal that and use it to my benefit." So, here I am…I am going to do that until I get bored with it or forget about it…which with my mood swings and my lack of any memory skills could be in about 6 minutes….but I digress.
The point WAS that I apologize for verbally purging all over you yesterday with not one, not two, but THREE useless, valueless and meaningless ramblings. In the future I will try to curb my disorder. I've looked into 12 step programs…unfortunately when I googled it yesterday it only led to more blogging sites and I signed myself up another blog account. I'd like to say I'm joking and added that line for comedic enhancement to the story…but I didn't. True story.
§ The longest running endorsement contract is Bill Cosby with Jell-O. *See, now don't you feel better about having spent your time here??
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